


P.O. Box 317
Norcross, GA 30091
(770) 912 - 3946

  >>> Sagitauro.com   >>> Flash   >>> Pop-A-Flash

The Pop-A-Flash are the last word for advertising in Websites in Internet, they can be programmed to appear in the exact moment you want, or when visitors move the mouse over a certain place of the Webpage.
They are extremely attractive and not annoying as the pop-up-windows (those little windows that appears when you go into certain websites), that as quick as they appear the first thing you do is close them.
The Pop-A-Flash can include sound, animation, voice, photograph and even video.
In Sagitauro, Inc. we make the whole production of the Pop-A-Flash, from the sounds and images up to the final programming.
We give you the HTML code to give your Webmaster in case you are not our client.
Keep visiting our Website, from time to time because we will add even more innovative examples of Pop-A-Flash.
If you want to see this example again please click here.


Sagitauro, Inc.,is a bilingual Spanish - English web design, translation & digital services company based in North Atlanta, Georgia.
Sagitauro, Inc., Empresa ubicada al norte de Atlanta, Georgia, dedicada al diseño de Sitios de Internet, sitios bilingües español-inglés, traducciones, servicio de intérprete y digitalizaciones.
Web design webdesign web design diseño web sagitauro diseño design diseno web design diseno web diseño web servicio service servicios services translation translations traduccion traducción traducciones english English spanish Spanish english-spanish spanish-english English-Spanish Spanish-English graphic design diseno grafico diseño grafico diseño gráfico diseno gráfico atlanta Atlanta georgia Georgia hispanic georgialatino georgialatino.com GeorgiaLatino.com .com latin hispano latino mexico mejico méxico méjico mejicano mexicano mexican flash Flash internet internet service logo logo design diseño de logo image image scanning scanning escaneado scanner escaneado de imagen fotografia fotografía photo photography photograph multimedia restoration restauracion restauración photography gaby lastman gaby lastman Gaby Lastman Gaby Lastman macromedia gratis free target latino targetlatino.com targetlatino proyecto gif jpg jpeg castellano uruguay argentina microsoft dreamweaver fireworks photoshop video cd zip computador computadora computer pal ntsc html asp php software programa sagitauro.com.ar candleshop videonetv pop a flash pop-a-flash popaflash